Music Development Plan

This page outlines the Music Development Plan for Longfield Academy for the academic year 2024-2025. This is a summary of how our school delivers music education to all pupils across the curriculum, our extra-curricular music offerings and musical experiences, and also our future music plans. This information is to help pupils and parents / carers understand what our school offers and who we work with to support our pupils’ music education.


Academic year that this summary covers2024-2025
Date this summary was publishedDecember 2024
Date this summary will be reviewedJuly 2025
Name of the school music leadMr Matthew Blount
Name of school leadership team member with responsibility for music (if different) 
Name of local music hubDurham Music Service
Name of other music education organisation(s) (if partnership in place) 

Curriculum Music

Every pupil in Key Stage 3 at Longfield Academy receives a weekly timetabled music lesson of 1 hour which is taught in classes of mixed ability. There is one music teacher in the department who creates lessons to cater for and challenge all pupils. It is acknowledged that when pupils arrive at Longfield Academy, from a range of different primary schools, that prior experience, knowledge and skills in music can vary. Our Key Stage 3 curriculum is informed by both the national plan for music education and also includes some of the features of the model music curriculum (March 2021).

It aims to give pupils a broad experience without sacrificing the need for deep knowledge and understanding. Pupils develop knowledge and skills in listening and appraising, performing and composing.  They are encouraged to sing and play musical instruments and have access to these opportunities in both curriculum time and in enrichment clubs.  Learning to read and write musical notation is an integral part of all activities and the development of this skill is supported through planned use of music notation software.    

We use BTEC Music Practice and KS4 where pupils can continue to develop their personal musical skills.  Curriculum time includes 3 hours per week in Year 10, and 2 hours per week in Year 11.  Additional time is available through afterschool intervention.  We have links with Durham Music Service who provide peripatetic music lessons and additional musical opportunities for pupils within the community.  Last year, the school participated in a Christmas Choir Competition that involved singing alongside other secondary schools in the region.

Extra-curricular Music – Music Tuition, Choirs and Ensembles

This explains the opportunities for pupils to sing and play music, outside of lesson time, including choirs, ensembles and bands, and how pupils can make progress in music beyond the core curriculum.

The school has a partnership with the local music hub, Durham Music Service. As a school we give access to peripatetic lessons across a range of instruments. Through Durham Music Service we currently have teachers for strings, brass, woodwind, guitar and drum kit. Pupils are able to play for their own enjoyment or with more academic rigour. When appropriate, pupils are entered for graded music exams via ABRSM or Trinity, and pupils are taught in groups suitable to their performance ability. Where needed, pupils can loan an instrument from the music service. Fees for lessons and instrumental hire can be found on the Durham Music Service website.  Prices | Durham Music Trust. Pupils who have Pupil Premium status and are accessing free school meals get their DMS lessons for free as these are paid for by Darlington Borough Council.

The department has enrichment opportunities outside of the curriculum including Academy Choir and Rock Band.  There are also opportunities within the year to rehearse and perform in assemblies and other events including Longfield Live.

These experiences beyond the classroom consolidate and extend learning effectively and give pupils the experience of further developing their interpersonal skills, communication and independence. There are 2 practice rooms in the department, and these are available for pupils to further improve their practical work, enhancing what they’ve learned in the classroom. This practice space (which has a drum kit and piano) is available for individual pupils to practice on their instruments or, to work together with peers to allow for the nurture of independently formed bands.

Musical Experiences

Longfield Academy offers a range of musical events and opportunities organised by the department and the wider school with pupil involvement. Pupil can experience opportunities such as singing in assembly, performing in concerts and shows, and educational visits, including watching professional concerts. Our school groups and individual pupils are given the opportunity to perform throughout the school calendar.  We provide music for various events in school, including assemblies, open evenings and the Longfield Live event which allows the pupils to have a platform to perform.

In the future

Longfield Academy plans for subsequent years:

We continually build on and develop our music plan each year, taking into consideration any changes in National Curriculum. The Schemes of Work are regularly reviewed and updated based on pupil feedback to ensure it remains relevant and challenging to all pupils. Our aim is to continue to provide as much inclusive practical music for as many pupils as possible.

We plan to:

  • Continue to develop the musical culture at Longfield Academy
  • Continue to develop the facilities on offer to pupils giving more access to a range of instruments including keyboards, guitars and drums to give variety and additional challenge to pupils
  • Embed music technology into the curriculum allowing pupils to record and produce their own music from the beginning of Year 7
  • Continue to build on numbers of pupils receiving instrumental tuition
  • Continue to develop the range of musical opportunities outside of the classroom
  • Celebrate and challenge our singers and instrumental pupils with extra performance opportunities to allow them to showcase their talents on a more regular basis.

The department is looking to increase participation at KS4 and will be looking into other GCSE qualifications to compliment the Btec Music Practice qualification currently offered.

Further Information

The Department for Education publishes a guide for parents and young people on how they can get involved in music in and out of school, and where they can go to for support beyond the school. Your local music hub should also have a local plan for music education in place from September 2024 that should include useful information.

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